We have two kinds of worship experiences...
We have modern music with our praise band, time for prayer and sharing how we have seen God at work, readings from Scripture, and a children’s time. Worship includes a message from Scripture to encourage growth and discipleship by Pastor Jeremy. Holy Communion is served and shared on the first Sunday of the month.
Traditional and beloved songs from the hymnal led by our NFUMC adult choir, a time for prayer, sharing how we have seen God at work, readings from Scripture, children’s time, and a message from Scripture to encourage growth and discipleship by Pastor Jeremy. Holy Communion is served and shared on the first Sunday of the month.
There are children's bulletins at each entrance to the Sanctuary to use during worship. Children are always welcome in our Sanctuary but we do have a Nursery for infants through age 3.
Our Nursery is available during both of our worship services and during the Sunday school hour. It is located on the second floor of the Education Wing. From the Sanctuary, exit by the rear entrance door on the left side of altar area, turn right, and follow the “nursery” signs. The live stream of worship is also available in the Nursery.
Kids are invited to the front of the sanctuary for a children’s time during both services on most Sundays. Following the children’s time, those in Pre-K through 2nd grade are invited to leave for Children's Church worship activities outside of the sanctuary and return before the end of the service. Kids in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade are offered activity boxes to help them stay focused throughout the sermon.
PO Box 249
Nolensville, TN 37135
Call: (615) 776-2815
Text: (615) 475-8108
Email: numc@nolensvilleumc.org